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one• Hello there! You're at RVPS 6A08's blog! |
Wednesday, 30 April 2008 ♥ 10:43:00 pm
Relax and chill out... The HMT Paper 2 very difficult right?? I was feeling like tearing the paper up..but culd not....haha..dun dare o.0 keke ^^ Good lucks for English, Maths, Science and Chinese!! JYJY...make sure u revise..haha juz kidding dun give urself too much pressure. ~Eileen~ *v* Tuesday, 29 April 2008 ♥ 5:58:00 pm
Ello ppl!!! Monday, 28 April 2008 ♥ 5:56:00 pm
HW for today... Science pp2 Oh, how's the English Paper 1? Easy? Tough? I think average lah....Anyways..good luck to all tomorrow! =)Jiayou..dun let mr soh despise us..HNG! Ok, cya... ~Eileen =P Sunday, 27 April 2008 ♥ 6:20:00 pm
Exams r here!!! Dun tink many ppl will see my post. All go prepare exam liao leh. Muz jyjy wor everyone. Ltr Mr Soh gua gua jiao. Then scold scold scold. Muz get high marks wor. Prove to him that we r gd!^^ I maybe can on9 to post. Suppose I m the onli 1?. Gd Bye! ~~JW~~ Note pls... Pls write down wat song your wan in the tagbox so i could put it in. ^^ ♥ 3:47:00 pm
Examss.. BTW, most likely I will be banned from using the computer. So, sorry guys, I think you will have to take down the homework urselves..sorry..unless other admins can use the computer and post it on the blog...anyways Smiles! XP Saturday, 26 April 2008 ♥ 9:51:00 pm
good luck, Six A (: EXAMS! severe brain damage LOL. monday is the composition exam, so work hard for it! if not we do badly mr soh will scold. good luck, 6A (: buhbyes! ♥CHELSEA. P/S: i realised that only eileen, mindy & me are actually taking part in this blog. where in the world are the others? dont make this blog dead. please. :D ♥ 8:55:00 pm
- exams are nearing <3 - ♥ 3:51:00 pm
Homeworkk.... -Maths PP2 -English PP2 I think tats all... Dun forget to: -(Call Ur parents) Sign Parents-meet-Teachers form -Organize and sign files...and worksheets...(some, that is..) Okay, anyway Happy weekend! BTW, did u all have fun during the Sports meet? For me, as this is e last year so a little sad lar...had fun...but ended up with a bad sore throat =.=ll haha -Eileen Thursday, 24 April 2008 ♥ 4:23:00 pm
; it's th start of smth new :] heyheys :] so now we'll offically start th bloggie. post tings like wad happened dat dae etc etc. dun spam in th blog list pls D: and pls rmb to sign off caz dere's alot of ppl in tis blog. this blog de new skin is i found de. modified th profile & th rest. give comments on taggyboard. :] okay lahs, anywaes have fun ^^ _xoxo.*, [mintloves<3] |