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Tuesday, 27 May 2008 ♥ 4:58:00 pm
Today's assignment Eng:Eng PSLE Book pg 16-18 Maths:Maths PLSE Book pg 6-10 Science:Science PSLE Book pg16-20 BTW, I think Mr Soh is just too harsh towards Ronnie lers...He like pin-pointing at him..although it might NOT be true, that's what I think anywayz...haizz...aiya, dun care choice...XX( Laugh.Live.Love. Eileen LOLX XDD Monday, 26 May 2008 ♥ 1:27:00 pm
Homework update.. HW: Eng: PSLE Book Pg 14, 15 Maths: WB 27-36 (Due on 26 May, Wednesday) Science: PSLE Bok Pg 11-15 BTW, I did not take down so I'm not very sure. But this is what I think it is and what I heard other people saying. LOLZ DUN BLAME ME IF U NEVA DO Lauhg.Live.Love. Eileen Sunday, 25 May 2008 ♥ 9:52:00 pm
Szechuan earthquake Everytime watching those scenes made me cry, i can't believe these happened to them... We should all try to help. 付出爱心,do all that we can to help them!!! ~zhengfan ♥ 3:26:00 pm
Botanic Gardens Laugh.Live.Love Eileen Saturday, 24 May 2008 ♥ 1:02:00 pm
BC GARDENS pardon me for not posting all of them. go to my blog to see the rest, if you wish. :D ♥ chelsea. Friday, 23 May 2008 ♥ 9:17:00 pm
Botanic Gardens But den, I tink we shuld create a website, maybe picassa?(sorri, i dunno how to spell sia..lolx) cuz if not, i SCARE that MAYBE, tis blog will get very lagg for those computer dat is very mine, perhaps? If u all want a new website, maybe i can create bahs...i see how first lahs..Also, i'm not sure whether can share lehs?? aiya.. see how first lahs... Anyways, do u tink mr soh shuld know about us doing the class blog wadsoeva?? or perhaps, adding those "not-so-big-mouth" boiss? Giv me some comments thxies... Laugh.Live.Love. Eileen~ __` XD Thursday, 22 May 2008 ♥ 7:06:00 pm
Our Trip to the Botanical Gardens hello everyone! Gillian Wednesday, 21 May 2008 ♥ 9:08:00 pm
List 20 names (10 from each sex, preferably, placed randomly around)(all from 6A,pls pardon me for not putting some of ur name): 1.Valerie 2.Xu Kang 3.Charmaine 4.Lim Eileen 5.Kenneth 6.Emily Eng 7.Yin Hang 8.Jiang Ying 9.Chelsea 10.Fang Shuo 11.Fiona 12.Justin 13.Zhi Jie 14.Joanne 15.Wei Xiang 16.Mindy 17.Daryl 18.Evelyn 19.Kevan 20.Terence How do you know 14? Joanne. We are classmates and have been in the same class since 2004 What would you do if you had never met 1? Valerie. What would you do if 9 and 20 dated you? Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? Do you think 8 is attractive? Do you know anything about 12's family? Tell me something about 7.. What is 18's favourite? What language does 15 speak? Who is going out with 19? How old is 16 now? When was the last time you talked to 13? Who is 2's favourite singer? Would you date 4? Would you date 17? What is 10's last name? Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11? Which school does 3 go to? Where does 6 live? What is your favourite thing about 5? Have fun! Gillian ♥ 7:06:00 pm
yay! anyway, me, emilyE, fang shuo & justin won a consolation! CLAPCLAPS. we were very elated! (: ♥ 6:25:00 pm
ZzZz... Sad... Monday, 19 May 2008 ♥ 5:23:00 pm
Happi Vesak Day Anyways, can u guys plz be more active in the blog...some of u i notice neva even publish a post or chat in chatbox at all lors...plz be more active larhs..if not, there's no point of having the blog mahs...lolx...XXD (PS...Wanna visit my blog? : ) Bye!! Live.Laugh.Love Smile always ~Eileen ^~^ Saturday, 17 May 2008 ♥ 5:10:00 pm
Poem to appreciate... Myspace Poems & Quotes at and Myspace Poems & Quotes at hope u guys...realise the meaning of life... Live.Laugh.Love Ellie AKA. Eileen Cheers! Smile always.. ♥ 11:13:00 am
science centre photos! (: im here with the science centre photos i taken. hms, did you enjoy it? i kinda hate it lahs, so boring. Zzz. anyway, i just took some photos lahs. a lot of you not inside, cause not enough time to take. so, the photos are at random! during breaktime: charmaine, li fern, hui ling, tasmin & zheng fan! journey back school: jiawen, pei shan, fiona & zhi qi! li fern & fiona. with the EXTRA person. dunno why he stand up? hahas. that's about all lahs. i have some more photos, im going to publish @ my blog. so visit it if you can. :D tasmin & li fern are going to send me the other photos taken, so im going to publish them when i receive the photos! wait patiently okays? hahas. so bye! CHELSEA.♥ Wednesday, 14 May 2008 ♥ 3:10:00 pm
haizz... the main thing is not that.... it's about mr soh he so grumpy todays sia den scold us so scary lors... better dun irritate him.... haizz.... i wonder whose parent go and "complain" sia...hmmm.... Tuesday, 13 May 2008 ♥ 10:25:00 pm
- WORRY-ism D; -
Monday, 12 May 2008 ♥ 8:01:00 pm
pls rmb to update! this blog looks a little lonely. :] Chelsea. ♥ Sunday, 11 May 2008 ♥ 4:16:00 pm
The time is here Anywayz, gd luck to you all ~fanny~ Thursday, 8 May 2008 ♥ 8:59:00 pm
- let's CELEBRATE.
♥ 5:24:00 pm
Bye!JW ♥ 3:09:00 pm
Exams ova liao! ^^ Gee Fangning's back but flying back to Bangkok, Thailand today, SADx. I think I said the same thing in the shoutbox, am I right or am I wrong? So worried about results sia. 怕怕 leh.. I scared very low. Anyway, can relax and happi happi le!! Play all day until next term. ^^ I go play RIGHT AWAYYY!!! Byebyex Evie--x Sunday, 4 May 2008 ♥ 8:38:00 pm
- jiayous! -
♥ 5:20:00 pm
Long time no blog!! These few months weather so hot right? Everyday I must sleep air-con, waste electricity but very shiok. Hehee! Plus exam stress, so fustrated!! Feel like everyday play and relax but cannot, mother nag nag say must study study... Haizz. Aiya, w8 exam over can play, relax and happi always le lah. 只好w8 lor! Nid go liao, blog again after SA1, kkay? Byebye! Saturday, 3 May 2008 ♥ 4:14:00 pm
XD just that it's a pity that the time she's coming back is the exams! XD [♥]Chelsea ♥ 3:07:00 pm
HiHi i think i lost mine. when is the next exam huh? is it Monday? And its english right? Die... xP anyway, gd luk 4 our exams. *pray,pray* ~the cutest gurl u've ever seen~Fanny_babe!~ Thursday, 1 May 2008 ♥ 6:43:00 pm
LaBoUr DaY LOOKing forward to the it.... Not the exams but the holidays after it. HAHA! ~~JOJO~~ ♥ 5:26:00 pm