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Saturday, 28 June 2008 ♥ 9:58:00 pm
how's th revision going. i betcha you're vry, vry busy. JYJY! we've onlii got a few more gruelling months to go. cheers :D FangNing `<3 ♥ 4:30:00 pm
smillies :] helloehs ! okay this is kinda weird. D: i just changed the blogskin again. hmms. kinda nice horhs? ;D again leave your comments at our cbox. :] tqtq. P/S. finding people make twinnie blog :] ACTIVE please. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ {xoxo}, MINDy :] Sunday, 22 June 2008 ♥ 7:30:00 pm
* once upon a shooting star. it's th start of smth new. it's th start of school ! HELLOHS! i'm finally active in blog agains :] i just changed the blogskin. quite nice horhs? Question : is th opening of sch a gd thing or a bad thing? hmms. i would say it's good. at least we get to see each other again. xD [ except for th fact dat we'll have th DREADED homework again D: and it's quite boring during th holidays i feel =\ dont you? ;O without going out with friends it really is boring. -.- except for th fact that my grandpa is in th hospital D: and toking bout dat, i wanna thank all those who sent their regards to my grandpa. i'm sure he'll soon be running on th road of recovery :] Okay that's that for 2day. i nid gtg lerhs. bye darlinqqs. withLOVES, Mindyy * Tuesday, 17 June 2008 ♥ 4:43:00 pm
seriously, people. that day i resent invitations to this blog to fangning, huiling, emily soh & li fern. i think fangning & huiling received their invitations? do you all know anymore 6A people with emails? if you do, you can send the invitation yourself or tell me, if you want to. i do want more people in this blog. kays? cheers, CHELSEA♥. [P/S]: it's the last week of holidays, so mug people! ;D Saturday, 14 June 2008 ♥ 8:07:00 pm
BLOGGIE My blog , , is offically CLOSED!! So, I will spend more time on val and mine blog . Go visit it pls! ERMMMM.... BTW.... Just in cas you dunno.....our blog is: Remember to TAG!!!! ~~MoJo~~ Tuesday, 10 June 2008 ♥ 10:12:00 pm
Boys are so immature Hello? Isn't it obvious? Evidence: 1. Their voices all haven't break except for 1 or 2? 2. They are still playing POKEMON cards and whatever game cards I DON'T CARE. For goodness sake? 3. They still bother about GFs and BFs whatever thingy. 3 points, is it enough? They ARE immature. I don't wanna waste my time bothering about those I~M~M~A~T~U~R~E boys. Well, Mr Soh is NOT immature but, well, ermm... funny and...weird? And Gillian brought my bottle back to her ~Home~sweet~home~ on one particular day. Well I wished my bottle had a hidden camera so I could see what her house is like. ^^ Buhbyyes, Evelyn <3 Monday, 9 June 2008 ♥ 1:56:00 pm
......... anyone agrees on a new template? ♥chelsea. Friday, 6 June 2008 ♥ 10:22:00 pm
long time no see. finally posted rite? it's been a looooooong time.hope you're enjoying th hols cos i'm revising like MAD here. LOLx anyways nth much. byyes! `<3> ♥ 5:03:00 pm
Lololol long time no post xx3 Yarh I realli agree that Mr Soh like very disgusted about Ronnie lehs. I think he thinks Ronnie is a lunatic that escaped from Mental Hosp. or woodbridge. Okay I know my imaginations are creative... And he like veri scared of Ronnie lehhs. Haha lols. And this holi like very boring. Well, at least until tomorrow when my dad comes back from Germany. My mother say is Germ-many country, lols. Maybe on Sunday we go downtown east the new e-hub, very fun cos I go b4 mahs. ^^ Nothing tuhh say buhbyyes Happi-happys, Evelyn Tuesday, 3 June 2008 ♥ 1:58:00 pm
LOOK AT THIS!!! 1.Mr Soh 2.Charmaine 3.Jiang Ying 4.Hui Ling 5.Kenneth 6.Gillian 7.Terrence 8.Eileen 9.Kevan 10.Justin 11.Zheng Cong 12.Pei Shan 13.Dylan 14.Pamela 15.Emily Soh 16.Li Fern 17.Wei Kai 18.Emily Eng 19.Fang Shuo 20.Joanne How do you know 14? Pamela. She's my classmate? What would you do if you had never met 1? Mr Soh. Less laughter in class, I think! What would you do if 9 and 20 dated you? Kevan and Joanne. 9 is NOT POSSIBLE. i dunno how to explain it to you luhs. BUT JOANNE is a girl, & im not LESBIAN. she's one of my best friends anyw. hahas. Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? Gillian & Wei Kai. Of course! they are neighbours, and they make a PERFECT couple. Do you think 8 is attractive? Eileen. Yes, but not in the appearance way. she's funny & friendly, so i like her. :D Do you know anything about 12's family? Pei Shan. Yes, her mother's Taiwanese. Tell me something about 7. Terence. well, i SIT beside him, and i'm so DAO MEI. hahah. What is 18's favourite? Emily Eng. hm, maybe her BFFs and mangas? What language does 15 speak? Emily Soh. English & Mandarin, maybe hokkien too. Who is going out with 19? Fang Shuo. i think he isn't interested in going out. How old is 16 now? Li Fern. 12 years old. When was the last time you talked to 13? Dylan. Maybe a billion years ago. LOL. Who is 2's favourite singer? Charmaine. HMM... let me think... ask her if u really want to know. Would you date 17? Wei Kai. NOOOOOOO! he's 6's boy friend + neighbour. 6 will kill me. Is 15 single? Emily Soh. HM, i dunno, maybe you ask her yourself. What is 10's surname? Justin. Ang Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11? Zheng Cong. NO! i am not the slightest bit interested in boys. HAHAS. Which school does 3 go to? Jiang Ying. Rivervale Primary School. me too, we are classmates. Where does 6 live? Gillian. Timbuktu? no la... just joking. compassvale street lor. What is your favourite thing about 5? Kenneth. I don't know, and i don't wanna know. (: really, this is SO funny. i found this in gillian's blog n edited some parts. (: YINHANG. |