Thursday, 31 July 2008 ♥ 9:35:00 pm
Tata!! Hey my first time postin' on the class blog.What to say...?Ganbatte everyone im sure all will be fine in this trial of exams.(though im not sure about myself)Gonna get scolded by Mr. Soh...T^T boohooo...2molo still got higher MT dun worry i got study my sis just switch on the com thus i go fixed my blog which have some prob now thenable 2 cum in lahs. Kena call mindy change the song in my blog damn noisy.....No time liao nid ta go 2molo last exam but i kena get scolded 4 my exams especially english n science?*cry*but everyone should be fine if u get scolded i'll be by ur side^^* "dun cry" pats on ur shoulder* *pats on my own shoulder better*
Friday, 25 July 2008 ♥ 7:47:00 pm
nd audition
okay, people, im just back from the national day audition and it was DISASTROUS. YES, trust me. 1. elieen yeo did not turn up for the audition. i dunno if she did is purposely, but it doesn't matter anyway, as we are going to "fail" what. hahas. 2. we did not rehearse at all. YES! and we like standing there like cuckoos with no action at all! we rly embarassed ourselves and we will definitely fail. THAT's GREAT. 3. There were over 10 classes that sang "Reach out for the skies". th one sang by taufik and rui en. when i heard the last class singing tht, i was practically dying. i wont ever want to hear it again. i suppose tht everyone who went has the same feeling.
anyway, we are supposedly the worst among the worst so i think we will fail. unless for some ungodly reason, the teachers let us pass. anw 6B was rly supportive. thanks! (:
love, CHELSEA♥.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008 ♥ 5:40:00 pm
Wow, I FINALLY can on computer.
Today's oral quite okay larhs. The examiners keep smiling and nodding, so I suppose still okay bahs. XXD
Yesterday, keep "st-st-stuttering" also same. Dunno why I always get QUITE nervous esp. during oral. But then will get use liaozz..
The conversation topic quite easy to talk about this time.(for english)
Anywayz,since I'm online, I'll guess I have to update everyone about the homework.
Homework for 23 July 2008, Thursday: -English:PSLE book. Sorry I dunno what page, but I think finish until 3rd compre MCQ -Maths:PSLE book,pg 14-20(I think)
Alright, it's about there.
Okay,I suggest that we go on a break from computer during the PSLE month. All of us. This way, we can concentrate on revising our work. So the blog will kinda be "dead" for that short period
Trust me, it's gonna be over soon. ^^ Work hard, 6A!! Do our best! Show Mr Soh who we ARE! ^^
Laugh.Live.Love. Working hard, Ellie
Friday, 18 July 2008 ♥ 9:23:00 pm

yohs ! helloes people, howya doing? ;D i just modified my blogskin. got time go fill it up abit =x plusplus, 2dae kena scolded by mr soh. haiiz, actually is i asking fangshuo to stop mking dat stupid funny face which mke mi laugh like shyt den he scold me. nth to say aso lahs. :\ anywaes, when i'm free, ( maybe 2dae,2molo/sunday ) i will modify th blogskin again. th more i look at it th more i don't like it ._. i don't noe why ;D might be my itchy hands wnna do smth. lols. AND, countdown to deadly prelim oral : 4 days. GOODLUCKpeople ! we'll work hard 2gether. tata's, MINDY. :]
Sunday, 13 July 2008 ♥ 6:13:00 pm
school reopen so long liao and i nvr on com once
Earth to sixAs!!
School re-open so long le and i nvr 碰过 my computer 一次 lorhs.( i so "乖" lols) and all my emails was like round off-ed to 60? wow... Anyway most of them were junk mails and i just tick tick tick & delete delete delete.
Just now my family go test drive the Toyota WISH and we liked the feeling of sitting in that 7-seater car and the interior of the car was like so damn big Big BIG! Super comfortable somemore. So we bought it! Next month then can get the car. ^^
PB: No more homework kid evelyn
Sunday, 6 July 2008 ♥ 10:23:00 pm
theres ALOT of homework this week! includes: zuo ye (whole book! ><), xi zi 2, maths ws (2 exercises), eng worksheets, psle bklet science. omg people im gonna die!
[chelseaaaaaaaaaaaa :D] P.S: i gave admin permissionship to all of you, so you can edit the template if you want to? o.0