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Saturday, 20 September 2008 ♥ 4:40:00 pm
CHIONG!!! So guys, what do you say, let's go into a semi-hiatus and revise for our works. I suppose this would be my last time posting in this and my blog until the PSLE is over. This is the opening to the first stage of our life. So let's cherish it together, aim for our goals and work towards it TOGETHER! XD The "future" lies in our hands. Well, I know some might say:"Aiya, nevermind larhs, still got a lot of time, this time cannot, secondary school then work hard lors!" But come on, let's face it. THIS IS IMPORTANT! The results are just like the key to the opening of our REAL first stage of life. Well, I can say that this stage that we are in is more or less, preparing us for the first stage. There's really not much time left!!*IMPORTANT* This is our final lap, let's race for the finishing line. ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL!(LOLX, happens to be one of the songs of HSM2, okay sorry, "side-tracked") Wishing all, good luck for PSLE, and hope all of us can do our best and achieve results with flying colours! ^^ Ellie Friday, 12 September 2008 ♥ 1:31:00 pm
LC how you all think of it ahx? chinese actually quite okay lah, so far no wrong. (: but english horh, very diffi leh. the second last question i wrong alr. The one: Why did the rich man want to pay $100 000? i wrote option 3 but the answer is supposedly 1. then got 1 more: What should you do when you want to meet someone you met through the internet? or smth like that. i wrote 1 but a lot people write 3. i thought i got it wrong until pei shan said she wrote 1. im really unsure............... what did you all write? anyway, i will be on hiatus until october 9. good luck EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!! love, CNKX. or chelsea if you dunno. ha! (: |