Wednesday, 22 October 2008 ♥ 9:41:00 pm
Talking "run"!
Wah, today I kinda said the most "walao"(no offense to those whu are pures...sorry) for my life.... So many talks lorhs!! The schools all having "morning verbal RUNS(diarrhea)"
So bored...the punggol sec worst....
I realized the best schools didn't even had to come sia....=.=ll
Those not so good school, brought most ppl, like wad mr soh had said
I mean, if the school is good, recognition shuld also be good mahs, then wad's the point of introducing again and AGAIN?!?!
The punggol sec not much academic results to show off, den say the CCA all that more interesting... They even used "fully air-conditioned classrooms" to "bribe" us into their school, WOW, I'm REALLY INTERESTED...haha, as if!
I know this post is a little offensive and all, but sometimes, I just want to let my thoughts flow out...I u tink it's a little overboard plz inform me, or delete it urself....^^
BB Ellie
Friday, 17 October 2008 ♥ 10:29:00 pm
; bored much?
HEYHEYHEY. howya doing peeps? PSLE's over & it's getting more boring & boring. hahahs, wonder wad 2 do. it's 7 days to my bdae~ exactly 1 wk. EXCITED~ and now my cousin, who is sitting bside mi, is playing a damn bloody game. ._. th organs of th poor person fly out like nobody's business. utterly DISGUSTING. @@ he was practically playing audition from afternoon to at nite with his on9 gf. goodness, i'm surprised their not bored D; i was reading manga & watching anime for th whole day too. any nice shows to recommend? haiiz, that's all SWEETPEAS! tata's. LOVESloves, <3 Mindy`.
Thursday, 16 October 2008 ♥ 2:13:00 pm
Lydia's choice of music
  Music Playlist at
♥ 10:58:00 am

i hope you had fun at the BBQ. (: CHELSEA, love.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008 ♥ 6:52:00 pm
Finally, party time!!
Lolx, finally wait until exams finish, wooh!!Okay nvm, anyway, I'm the first one to post after PSLE. I bet you guys are playing your heads off in your games like there's no tomorrow..zzz...
Haizz, after exams still got so many schools come and tok tok tok tok tok, the serangoon dat one so late sia. GRRR!!Cause us to lose our "playing time"..hngs!
Anyways, Have fun guys!Cya!