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Sunday, 28 December 2008 ♥ 9:02:00 pm
; blated merrwie xmwahs. hope all your wishes came true ! ^^. and it's 2 days till i nid to go back to RGS ! gawds, hope chels & emi will be able to come with me ! ;D. anyways, hope you guys have fun in your new sec sch, but keep sixA' o8 in your heart forever. cause' it rocks, rocks hell. man, i'll really miss you people :\ * sobs * k lahs, post till here. tata's. Love, th one&only mindy, #26 Wednesday, 24 December 2008 ♥ 3:52:00 pm
Happy Merry Christmas 6A ! This is my 2nd post. Early Merry Christmas To EVERYONE! We wish u a merry christmas We wish u a merry christmas We wish u a merry christmas And A Happy NEW YEAR ! It's christmas tmr Today's 24/12/2008 tmr's 25/12/2008 what kind of prezzies r all of yr going to get? I still don't know what am i going to get but it's not too ex XD But anyway hw r ur going to celebrate this christmas>? I'm depending on whether it rains tmr Anyway Merry Christmas To EVERYONE ! Hui Ling Saturday, 20 December 2008 ♥ 6:34:00 pm
coz now like nobody post lerhs....-.- Juz 2 more weeks n school reopens!!!! *cry* think will b veri stressful lorhs/ anyways,, goodluck every1 in ur new school!!! keep in touch! oh,, n update the blog.. lolx jolynn~ Tuesday, 16 December 2008 ♥ 8:58:00 pm