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Saturday, 31 January 2009 ♥ 10:05:00 pm
. dfs, i agree with you. i dunno what's the problem, but simply said, the gathering wasn't fun enough. for example, the cedar people stick together. (no offence though, tat's what i feel. and i dunno why, the people from the respective schools just stick with the other people there. why?! the guys are also loners, just doing guys things, and to dfs, (PLEASE DONT SO SHY WHEN U SEE HER LAH!) -.- shy to her then talk to us lah! actually, i kinda liked the gathering, but you know. it's quite messy and, mr soh didnt have ample time for us and so on. it's a really weird feeling...... anyway, i plan to go back every month (IDONTCARE.). so probably the next gathering will be end-feb. (if possible, i'll arrange) and you people PLEASE DONT STICK TOGETHER! and must talk more! dont shy! (this is mostly to you, DFS) and probably, MR SOH's BDAY (25th March) P5 CAMP (will check with you guys closer to da date.) TEACHERS DAY LANTERN FEST CHILDRENS DAY mostly these few occasions. i gtg, and people. WE CANNOT 散。 6A 2008 RVPS FOREVER. ♥ 2:19:00 pm
Erm, the reunion, was it a reunion Anyway, WEN THE NEXT REUNNION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAKEIT FASTERT.T DFS Saturday, 24 January 2009 ♥ 12:43:00 pm
last min changes okay sorry eileen. i forgot to update about last min changes. we're not going back on 29 anymore. cos the dunman high people cannot make it. (& some of the rgs people like me) srsly horh, the dhs people very ma fan leh. your timetable always have last min things one. sigh.... okay no offence lahs. :D so the changes are: Date: 30th Jan 2009 (Friday) Time: 2.00pm-around 4.00pm (anytime between this period just contact mr soh) Meeting place: (for those who can reach by 2.45pm) School front gate People going: XM group, RGS (i dunno about the others), DHS, RI (and someothers) I REALLY HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU THERE! 6A 2008 rocks forever! (: & oh, HAPPY ADVANCED CNY!!!!!!!!!!!! :D CHELSEA~ Saturday, 17 January 2009 ♥ 6:12:00 pm
i have some things to clarify. THOSE WHO ARE ONLY RELEASED FROM SCH AFTER 10.30AM ON 23RD JAN CANNOT GO BACK TO RVPS. cause mr soh and the other teachers will be having cny lunch. unless you just wanna see the school. (WHICH IS CRAZY). so anyway. because most of us cant make it on 23rd Jan, i've organised another date for all of us to go back. DATE: 29 Jan (thursday) TIME: about 3.30pm-5.00pm as mr soh's having table tennis training on that day, he will be there till 5+. so we can go back and have a chat with him. (if you want lolls.) for any enquiries please contact charmaine, joanne or myself. and to EILEEN, the celebration's not on 28. we're going on 29 because many people cant make it on 28. so far the people going: xm, dunman (joanne), cedar & maybe rgs people. however i may not make it cause i will have chinese orchestra trial on that day. so sad right. CHELSEA ♥ 11:43:00 am
Visiting RVPS? Monday, 12 January 2009 ♥ 6:50:00 pm
Hows ur new sch? hope is not bad bahz... but sixA still best ritez? haha I'm thinking of goin bck on 23Jan to celebrate CNY but i think most of our timing'll clash anw, xinmin de will released at 12.30 on 23Jan U guys wanna go bck too? th more th merrier :) Plz tell me wad time u all released from sch n i try to arrangeda timing so tat all of us can go bck together ~Charmaine~ Thursday, 1 January 2009 ♥ 3:40:00 pm
; new yearrrrrrrrr {: hope all your new yr resolutions are a success kay? sixA' o8 rawks forever ~ and, hope you all enjoy your lives in eur new schs ! loveeeeeeeeee, - Mindii. ! ♥ 12:28:00 am
Happy new year! New yr rsolution? Haven't thought of it. And its obviously too late now... Hahahahahs! Maybe we organise gathering every year?? See how lorhs. ^^ Signed, Evelyn |