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Tuesday, 21 April 2009 ♥ 10:01:00 pm
; 101th post & the old memories. anyw, i just wnna post abt wht i feel right now. i just looked thru our class foto(s). it's so funnyyyyy you knowww XP! in p1, aiya, nth t say lah. i dun even recognise 50% of th ppl dere. p2 was quite nice. the happy period :D p3 was funny. haha! p4.. was.. okay too, lol. p5 was nice! i likey. p6, i think i looked super weird in it but oh well, a nice foto. AND NOW I'M SIXA'O8-SICK ( yes, i invented the term. ) . T_______________________________________________T. don't you get this feeling when you look at th memories we left behind. !@#(!#!@#!@# me wants t go bak t RVPS. hahas. okay, just short postiees. GOODBYE! [x i say yes zutto \ kimi no soba ni iru yo,, Mint. Sunday, 19 April 2009 ♥ 8:08:00 pm
100th post & more? well done sixA' o8 :D. we able to keep this blog alive for so long is an accomplishment already, so we better keep it alive until we're at least 19 okay? LOL. wayway ahead ! :o heard tht chels is mking a SixA' o8 blogskin. look forward t it ehs. (: sch gatherings srsly, i think sept it too far. :\ . when do you all want a gathering? ( no, not this mth. exams here&there. ) post on th cbox :D . i could help organize if you guys want one. outside gatherings hmm, probably during th june holidays we organize one lah. maybe we 1 whole big gang go watch movie or smth ._. . or go shopping. or playground-ing. or just anyhow come tgether for fun XP. i miss sixA' o8. :D p5 camp who is signing up for p5 camp? i wonder if they allow us to go home & sleep thn come back th next morning. if yes, thn i think i'm going, can those who are going tell me? or maybe could make a list and post it here. lol. it's gonna be fun lah. :D we watch th P5s suffer. @@. okay, end of short post. and btw, people, you have t post more k! good job in keeping th cbox alive, but Post too! even if it's a short one. :D love, [!] Mindy. Tuesday, 7 April 2009 ♥ 5:37:00 pm
spammers so she decided to change the cbox (still not up yet) and make the blog private. but i, however, thought that this blog SHOULD BE OPEN till we manage to invite everyone into it. therefore, if you wish to get invited into this 6A class blog, please send an email to me @ because if we just close the class blog like that, many people would not be informed. so email me asap when you see this okay? chelsea. ♥ 4:20:00 pm
u took away the cbox? ba. sigh. do u think we should change our url??? random comment. ♥ 8:03:00 am
; cbox stuff spammer. psps. i will remake it. and i didn't spam the cbox. thanks. (: it's a flammer, obviously. - <3 Mint. |