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Sunday, 31 May 2009 ♥ 9:03:00 pm
erm, do u wan to have lunch together at downtown east or u wan to meet after having ur own lunch? if u all wan to have lunch together, maybe we meet at rm at 11.30am and take bus there together if not we all have EARLY lunch first den meet at rm at 1? btw, we will be going first without the food, but only the drinks and ice... and at bout 3pm, my dad will help to "deliver" the food to us, den we will start our bbq!!! :) haha... and we bbq and play until 9 and pack up and all until 10 or so den go home lor:) oh ya... PLS rmb to bring ice! :) ( cos we are budget! ) ~GILLIAN!~ ♥ 2:43:00 pm
26 ppl going. Wei Xiang is th 26th. So each of you need to pay $$4.90. But round it up so it is easy to collect, each of u pay $5. The left over maybe can buy extra bottle of drinks or wad. Regarding the time: Meet at mac @ riverval mall at 1pm. we go there by bus tgh CHarmaine Saturday, 30 May 2009 ♥ 3:24:00 pm
There are 25 of us goin out of this 25, 5 ppl are sponsoring, so they dont nid to pay 101.40 divide by 20 = $5.07 regarding to pamela qn: yes, still nid to bring ice joylnn qn: games must ask gillian. oya, and gillian say some of th games, we'll be all wet so see whether u all wan to bring extra clothes, juz in case and i gt a sad/happy news, depends on how u think: MR SOH MOST PROBABLY WONT BE GOING. i juz sms him, "most likely not" & "wont be going" was his ans dont ask me why. i dont noe Charmaine Thursday, 28 May 2009 ♥ 4:02:00 pm
u can consider this as confirmed. me n gillian search HIGH & LOW, for cheapest stuff, coz we noe u all budget. Items Amount/size Qty Prices Where? Charcoal 3kg 1 $2.80 Sheng Siong Wire Mesh 19 x 19 1 $3.60 Sheng Siong Aluminium Tray A3 3 $2.70 Sheng Siong Fire Starter 48/pac 1 $1.30 BBQ House Margarine --------------Sponsered by Pamela----------------------- Paper Plates ---------------Sponsered by Eileen----------- Forks --------------Sponsored by Gillian---------------------- Tissue --------------Sponsored by Lydia------------------------ Cups --------------Sponsered by Eileen----------------------- Satay 100 $25 BBQ House Chicken Wings --------------Sponsered by Charmaine-------------------- Otah 98(7 for $1) $14 Sheng Siong Hotdog 70 $9.10 NTUC Marshmallow 900g!(300g/pac) $7.20 Sheng Siong Drinks 1.5L 10 $16 Sheng Siong BBQ pit $20 Fishball ----------------Forgot to check :P---------------------- Present ----------------Gillian prepare------------------------- Dessert (Jelly/Can Fruits?) ----------------Sponsered by Chelsea-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total: $122.90no longer accurate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently, th no. of ppl goin are: 2.gillian 3.chelsea 4.joanne 5.yinhang 6.valerie 7.emily soh 8.eileen lim fern 10.emily eng 11.lydia 12.sing ping 13.fang shuo 14.zhi jie 15.Jia Wen 16.evelyn 17.Zheng fan 18.xu kang 19.Pamela 20.Mindy 21.Zheng Cong 22. Jolynn 23. Qian Wei 24. Zach So, 1 person must pay $6.145 no longer accurate because of more sponsers + more people going. wanna pay less, get more ppl goin dont meant u can bring ur gf/bf hor(jo, esp for u), only ALIENS ask those names tat are nt listed here, to see if they goin or not and get bck to me ASAP! time is running out! any suggestion u hav for th food? wanna sponsor? tell me. if nt we'll go order th food liao Charmaine RED COLOURED REFERS TO CHELSEA'S EDITING. btw, i took out crabsticks cause it's a waste of $. no one will eat one lar. and erm the total amt of money + amt each of us have to pay is no longer accurate. charmaine or who ever else will come and change it soon. ♥ 3:47:00 pm
Date: 20June2009 and 2010 and 2011(in advance ;p) We'll be taking bus 89 there. So, meet at Rivervale Mall at 1pm, and we'll go together. Venue: Pasir Ris Park Attire: If possible, black shirt (think bout it, a grp of 20over ppl wearing black goin up th bus, tat'll be so cool!) Money: not confirmed yet. roughly bout $5 to $6 Things to bring; #01 Ice(freeze ur water at home, den bring it to rm, gi will bring cooler to put our ice. Reasons for doin tis: we budget. simple) #02 Money #03 Tidbits #04 uR laughter! #05 ur CraziNEss! #06 Ur Love for sixA! #07 nt forgetting urself!(ur eyes, nose, mouth,etc) Charmaine here Monday, 25 May 2009 ♥ 8:18:00 pm
BBQ- changed to 20th June volunteer?! NO ONE! who will take initiative?! YOU!? so she must go or else... so the most likely date is 20th June... charmaine has sms-ed most of you, and it seems that most of you can make it... so YEAH! it's confirmed 20th June already. so, no more need for the poll! i shall stop, inform you guys at a later date on the details. cheerios, CHELSEA(: Sunday, 24 May 2009 ♥ 6:57:00 pm
goals but actually, we cant decide the date just using the poll. 1) NOT ALOT OF PEOPLE VISIT THIS BLOG. 2) RANDOM VISITORS CAN COME IN AND VOTE. 3) LIKE WHAT JOANNE SAID, SOME CRAZY PEOPLE MAY DO MASS VOTING. so, i guess i'm gonna send out sms-es to ask their opinions. or charmaine or anyone, since you have unlimited sms-es, can you help me do the job? and so it's confirmed bbq le lar? no objections? actually i kinda object, but if everyone coordinates and helps out, it'll be fine and FUN! :) so please coordinate. here are the goals i planned out: 1) Decide the date. deadline: 28th May 2) Find out the no. of people going. deadline: 30th May -- if there are less than 25 people, no need to continue.--- 3) Get sponsers and people to bring the stuff. 4) Get transport for the food (most probably will be brought by gillian.) 5) Decide meeting place + most realistic way of transport there. (we can't possibly hire a bus right? so most probably PUBLIC TRANSPORT. :) 6) Collect money. 7) Have fun! 6A ROCKS! bye! chelsea. Saturday, 23 May 2009 ♥ 6:52:00 pm
Class outing!! Anyway those words in the "[ ]" brackets are written by me okies? i add in, seek for ur opinions. Erm.. yeah, so we only have these few ppl volunteering to sponsor? yeah,.. so if anyone soo kind, pls do so xD tell US(my clique - me, chelsea, charmaine, gillian, yinhang, valerie, joanne, emily soh and lifern) yayy! lol xD If you're sponsoring anything, pls tag in the cbox, and i will edit this post, or juz edit it urself okies? thx veri muchh! xD mwuahahhahha! [This one is my class one 1B] THINGS NEEDED ( Includes food ) Tongs Wire gauze(has to be stainless steel unless you wan food poisoning tsk tsk..) Aluminum foil charcoal forks , plates big big aluminium thing [honestly, i dunno what's this] 2brushes [to "paint" the margarine on teh food] sticks [er.. for lets say, poking crab meat? o_o] pail - to thaw the chicken margarine cups ice pack cooler starter tissue box , etc. -- tissue box ( x1 ) tissue , packet ( x4) , toilet roll , rags ( x2/3) FOOD , WE GOING TO BUY . drinks -- green tea , coke , 100plus , ice lemon tea, x4 apple juice x2 , carrot juice , mineral bottles x3 , lime juice food - chicken wings , nuggets , hotdogs , crabmeats , otahs snacks - marshmallow. ice pops etc. [ 6A our one~!] Food- Satay 100(its 50/pac) $25 BBQ house Otah 100(Its 50/pac) $25 BBQ house Hotdog 60(10/pac) $9.60 BBQ house Fishball 60(10/pac) $13.50 BBQ house Chicken Wings 2kg $11 NTUC--- Crab sticks [ this crab meat? nehmind, gillian and chels should know ><] Corn[corn?! i nvr eat corn in bbq b4 lol] Bee Hoon -------Gillian's mum cook----------- [Do you guys wan other stuff like er.. prawns or sth? pls tag in cbox] Drinks - Packet drinks 12(6/pac) $27 NTUC [i srsly srsly suggest bottled 1.5L drinks, rather than packet drinks, its very exp.. so can buy more of soft drinks, cause very little ppl dun drinksoft drinks haha xD] Snackies? - marshmallow [pls tell us what YOU want..] Cutlery and stuff - Paper plates 50 $3.90 NTUC Forks 30 $1.10 NTUC Spoons --------Sponsered by Gillian---------- SERVIETTES 100 $0.71 NTUC BBQ materials - Aluminium foil $2.75 NTUC Margarine 500g $2.40 NTUC Fire Starter $1.55 NTUC Thongs ----Sponsered by Gillian---- Charcoal Ice Styrofoam [I think you guys will need brushes to "spread" the margarine on the food yehs..] [from that time bbq session, er.. well, we used those er, press then got water come out kind of box to store food and all, then in the end use for wash hand, could be a good idea since if play play play, den dirty hands go take and eat, very unhygenic esp now got H1N1 T__T] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ enough of food and stuff, now let's get on to activities! [1B one...] GAMES ! WOOTS. (: Guess Who- Imitation Dog And Bone Murderer Pass The Message Blind Person- Obstacle Journey Treasure Hunt Guess Who- Big Cloth Ice & Water / Catching Dare or Double dare Water gulper [6A one wee~] er.. dunno? truth or dare very fun!! >< Catching can bond the class mwuhahah! cannot play pass the message la, everybody deaf one haha jkjk. can play dog and bone also can play volleyball? xD ooh, captains ball! that time my tchr super rough while playin Play "electricity". Well, is like murderer, but SQUEEZE hand one, i tink my clique will know la. I thought WE(my clique)thought of it, seems like other ppl alr know ._. zz Should be all? yeah.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yeah, last time the bbq pit was 16 dolla but from what I know, pasir ris park the bbq pits right, all is $20 one.. haizz, $16 is what "bring your own pit" dun understand... but oh well.. lets save the trouble then. So here are the brief very brief details: Date: dunno yet... Venue: I think we're going pasir ris park right? BBQ pit location : Haha, haven't book =.= Time: uhhh...not confirmed. Of course you can leave earlier or come later. xD weee~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pls visit the blog everyday to get updates wee~ or around 3 times a week? at least check cbox la! lol.. muz remember to TAGG! woots~! Whu else, of course, the one and only super hyper Eileen LIM! (chels and charmaine dun "YO" me again okay X) i tink u will understand AB book.) MWUAHHAHAHAH! [edit] i realised this post very long~!![/edit] PS. Remember to vote which date you want for our class gathering okays? XD muacks! ♥ 5:05:00 pm
pls kindly see the post before the poll before voting. as it may affect ur result. thank you! ~GILLIAN!~ ♥ 3:13:00 pm
create free polls | comment on this ♥ 2:53:00 pm
erm, the date rite... can it be on saturday or sunday? my father will be free on weekends so he can help us to "deliver" our food to us so it would be easier for us... cos we nid to go collect the ice at bedok and collect some food from ubi do you have any food that u wanna eat but it's not in the list above? like maybe prawns or smth else... pls kindly come and tell me... ty lots... ~GILLIAN~ ♥ 1:14:00 pm
(juz a rough one, not confirmed de) Satay 100(its 50/pac) $25 BBQ house Otah 100(Its 50/pac) $25 BBQ house Hotdog 60(10/pac) $9.60 BBQ house Fishball 60(10/pac) $13.50 BBQ house Packet drinks 12(6/pac) $27 NTUC Chicken Wings 2kg $11 NTUC---my mum marinate--- marshmallow Crab sticks Corn Paper plates 50 $3.90 NTUC Forks 30 $1.10 NTUC Spoons --------Sponsered by Gillian---------- SERVIETTES 100 $0.71 NTUC Aluminium foil $2.75 NTUC Margarine 500g $2.40 NTUC Fire Starter $1.55 NTUC Bee Hoon -------Gillian's mum cooked----------- Thongs -------Sponsered by Gillian----------- Charcoal Ice Styrofoam ---------------------------------------------------------- Total cost so far: $123.51 ---------------------------------------------------------- if there are 25 ppl goin, each will have to pay $5 that'll be th least So , are they any kind soul who is willing to sponser anything? and tell us if we left out anything i found out the prices from: PLZ LET ME KNOW ASAP IF U WANNA SPONSER ANYTHING AND BE WILLING TO PAY HOR< DONT SO BUDGET LASTLY, RMB TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL Charmaine Friday, 22 May 2009 ♥ 7:54:00 pm
regarding the class gathering, AGAIN erm, for the class gathering rite... most prob is gonna be bbq and me and charmaine had already calculated the total cos, and divided it to bout 25 ppl and each person may have to pay about $5/$6 or so... i noe is a bit ex, but afterall, it is still VERY reasonable, for bbq and u noe why that time our bbq only "cost" $2 each?! is because chels is paying most of it!!! and still got singping,lifern,zhuomin and charmaine because they scared if above $2 no ppl will wanna go and that time some of u even complained like hell when it was $2 and chels paid like $100+++ and it is DAMN unfair!!! so about $5 or $6 isn't unreasonable... so pls DUN complain! PLS! cos this is suppose to be a joyous event!!!:) and btw, the bbq pit is $20 per pit, and i will be booking it once we confirm everything, so pls tell me the dates where u are NOT free asap!!! THANKS LOTS! :) ya and, i will be organising some games for u to play, as a whole, and not in ur small groups so i really hope that all of u will co-operate well, so it can be real real FUN! and dun push everything to us, the main organiser, k? and pls bbq on ur own ar... and dun expect us to do everything for u. THANKS! and i think we asking mr soh and ms wee along:) btw, the date shld be at bout week 3 of the holidays, as most of u are free on those days and i think charmaine is going to create a poll for us to go and vote the dates which we prefer most:) okay...ehh,shld u have any objections, or so, pls kindly tell me, or just say at the cbox... TY! BYE! ~LOVES AND MISSES<3~ ~GILLIAN!~ Wednesday, 20 May 2009 ♥ 8:04:00 pm
I WANT BBQ FOR CLASS GATHERING!!! ehh,so u all still want class gathering?! bbq? cycling? and i think bbq is better den cycling. cos cycling is like very sianz leh, bbq is far more better but u all must ALL contribute a little effort lah, is not it will be like not fun liao lor but im seriously willing to do most of the things lah, as long as all of us can enjoy:) but u all must still help me lah, if i will siao ar!!! and pls kindly tell me when u free hor... so i can organise and confirmed everything faster, so it will be easier when we book... most prob is on 2nd or 3rd week ba... and i think we shld set a target: if less than 25 ppl going den cancel, okay? so pls tell me asap!!! TY! =) BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE loves, GILLIAN! =) ♥ 11:56:00 am
HI ALIENS !! U all got any plans? wan ALIENS gathering? Gillian was suggesting we go Pasir Ris park bbq but me & chels objected coz.. as u noe, U GUYS ARE PIGS u all play play play den come bck look for food who'll prepare? me? NO! who'll bbq? me? NO! haha i bet all of us will ended up buying mac instead den all th food will be wasted oso th cost is v.high So i think why nt lets just go pasir ris park (coz its so much nearer than east coast) den all of us rent bikes and we cycle tgh Firstly, its nt tat troublesome Secondly, u juzt have to pay for ur own bike Thirdly, WE CAN HAVE FUN TGH!! which means boys, dont bring bball if nt it wont be CLASS GATHERING and try to let me noe which date u all are unable to attend ASAP i'll try to arrange it on a date that most of u can attend. Sorry if some of u cant attend, as u noe, its v.difficult to have a date tat everyone can... oso, for th past aliens gathering, it has been my clique(chels, gillian, joanne, val, yinhang, eileen lim, li fern, emily soh) organising, Can some of u, juz anyone, take the initiative and organise the next gathering? It cant be juz we "doing" (ALIENS< DONT THINK SICK!) and u all enjoying rite... kay lar, i oso dont wan to lecture u all... ALIENS, STAY BONDED!!!!!!! #01CHARMAINE Monday, 18 May 2009 ♥ 9:02:00 pm
; new blog URL I know i've been talking abt this for v long but really didn't do anythg abt it. so please voice your opinions! should we change our blog URL into smth nicer & newer? (: we can just inform evryone first, and just in case anyone missed it, we could also make another blog and change it into this blog's URL while change this old blog's URL to the new one. So i want to know if you guys are agreeable with changing the URL, or just want it to be like this. And if you want to change right, any ideas? Well, some ideas i thought of were:
Okay lol i know the ideas kinda suck so i need your opinions! hahas. k lah. stop posting here. (: - Love, { Mindy. ` Friday, 15 May 2009 ♥ 7:41:00 pm
new blogskin (: i finally set up the 6A blogskin, hope y'all satisfied with it. :/ it wasn't MEANT TO BE LIKE THAT, the image was supposed to be bigger and i was supposed to change the fonts and all, but i'll figure the rest out later. and oh, you can see 2 dates, i have seriously no idea why. it's screwed up lah the codes. >< so i will work on it some time later. and some of you may think the background is childish/girly/whatever, give some comments. i will change it soon. love chelsea! hope y'all happy with the image. i spent lotsa time on it! P/S: added in the boys, if not i'll be named a racist. but dfs provided them, not very sure. please check and lemme know. ♥ 2:42:00 pm
the blog is kinda dead...... erm... do u wan to have a class gathering during the june hols? maybe can go east coast park or pasir ris park to bbq=) or maybe u all have any suggestions, can suggest at the cbox if bbq rite... maybe some of us can go and buy those things needed for the bbq, den each of us den pay them after that... maybe i can help :) and please suggest a date too:) BYEEEEEE GILLIAN! =) |