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Sunday, 21 June 2009 ♥ 12:39:00 am
Hahahs anyway we gathered at rm mac, then val brought us to the bus stop, whre we took the 89 to downtown east. When we got to the park, it was like damn hot and we waited for like 30 mins for the rest of the cheer-u-ups to arrive. Oh wait rewind rewind, when we were about to get onto 89, charmaine, gillian they all arrived, so it was like very zhun la.. Ok forward again, haha. Ermm anyway when they arrived, we were very grateful for the pepsi that they brought cos we were damn thirsty. Wtfish the boys they finished 3 and a half bottles of pepsi in like 2 hrs. Peishan, jiawen and i went to ehub to buy 9 more bottles of coke and pepsi. It was HEAVY!!! Arghhhhh, but at least it lasted until the end :) Neways, before the coke-buying, we played some games. And the ducky walk walk, worst! so dizzy la! Then the body parts game was rather fun, cos me and emily kept picking the parts that are the best, like thumb & pinky finger, stomach & elbow. Then came the hand twisting thing. In the end, my grp formed 2 triangles haha! Then is the walking wif paper plates de right? Aiya i stm la hehehs... Errr then buy coke le went back played double whacko, the cheer-u-ups were making water bombs in the meanwhile and keep throwing water bombs over!! Val emptied a water bomb over my head.......>< Then we bbq-ed for a while then water bomb!!! Errr haha the water bombs only lasted for a short while, most of the time we were just pouring water.. I have some pics, later then show. Oh anyway at the end of our waterfight th clique(dun always use cheer-u-up, must have xin xian gan mahs :)) wanted to take a class pic of all of us soaking wet. I so kiasu say i only half wet, val, charmaine, yh, and dunno who dragged me to pour water over my head!!!!!!!! Then we continued wif the bbq. Oh and there was 1 part, charmaine and yh was trying to (can i tell?? ermm i think those who wan to noe go ask joanne or yh or charmaine, :)) Then we played dog and bone. Actually is dog and bone water, but alot of pple confused, so in the end dowan water. Then one time we were rushing for the "bone" then emily sort of fell over me and my lip kenna bonged by her head and then internal bleeding(ouch!) Then bbq again, then played pass the parcel. Then after that most of the pple went home..sad.. Some of us stayed back to clean up, then we went home. 说来也很好笑, actually majority of them wanted to take bus, but then dunno why suddenly alot decided to lobang. So in the end, all take car. The boys were in gillian's van. Charmaine went in emily soh's car. Then my dad fetched lifern and val home. So here are the pics: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Saturday, 20 June 2009 ♥ 4:52:00 pm
more pictures at i have 104 pictures in total you know! go see my facebook album! more organised. proudly brought to you by Chelsea(: ♥ 10:53:00 am
6A '08 SECOND GATHERING - A BIG SUCCESS! ALL THANKS TO THE SPONSORERS, THE ORGANISER AND OF COURSE, THE SIXALIENS!!!!!!! ESP. THE CHEER-U-UPS!!!!:D Shall we have another one? Maybe in December? BUT... NO MORE BBQ!!!! IT'S SO TROUBLESOME! D: maybe we shld just have a picnic? or just order PIZZA?! haha! I WANT MR SOH'S PIZZA!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D and... THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE BIRTHDAY SONG AND THE "BIRTHDAY SPLASH"!!!! actually... i was quite touched!!! haha, and SHOCKED!!! THANK YOU!!!!! :D oh ya..... some of u didn't pay the $5!!!! we are suppose to collect the $5 from 22 ppl, which is $110, but i think we collected less than $100! )): and i took a lot of unglam pics ytd...haha!!! Valerie and her dirtied face! :D Marshmallows! :D CHELSEA! HAHA! VALERIE SO UNGLAM!!!! Charmaine and Yin Hang! HAHA! Fang Shuo's expression is so FUNNY! Valerie so extra... haha jkjk.. Yin Hang so "ai mei"...HAHA! Oops! CENSORED!!!! Kenneth is "acting cool"... but he failed! :) Daryl Ong... haha! Daryl and Wei Xiang "CATCH YOU DOING RIGHT!" haha! Valerie so guai... picking up the water bombs! Thursday, 18 June 2009 ♥ 4:21:00 pm
OMG!!!!! LESS.THAN.TWENTY.FOUR.HOURS #o1 charmaine ♥ 4:08:00 pm
good news! tomorrow's weather forecast is.... 'partly cloudy' so it means it's neither too hot nor it is raining... XD perfect weather! (: haha just ranting here. ONE.MORE.DAY! chelsea(: Wednesday, 17 June 2009 ♥ 10:45:00 pm
YAY! I'M BACK FROM SHENG SIONG SUPERMARKET! :D Here's the list of things: Items Amount/size Qty Prices Where? Charcoal 6kg 1 $5.40 Sheng Siong Wire Mesh 19 x 19 1 $3.60 Sheng Siong Aluminium Tray A3 4 $3 Sheng Siong Fire Starter --------------Sponsored by Gillian(ME!)---------------- Margarine --------------Sponsored by Pamela----------------------- Plates ---------------Sponsored by Eileen----------- Spoons --------------Sponsored by Gillian(ME!)------------------- Fork ---------------Sponsored by Eileen----------- Tissue --------------Sponsored by Lydia------------------------ Cups --------------Sponsored by Eileen----------------------- Satay 100 $25 BBQ House Chicken Wings --------------Sponsored by Charmaine------------ Otah 50 $12.50 BBQ House Hotdog --------------Sponsorod by Emily Soh----------- Taiwan Sausage 5 packets $13 Sheng Siong Bee Hoon-------------Sponsored by Gillian (ME!)------- Marshmallow --------------Sponsored by Li Fern------------- Drinks Pepsi 1.5L (2 for $2.95) 10 $14.75 Sheng Siong Tongs----------Sponsored by Gillian(ME!)-------------- Trash Bags-------Sponsored by ME--------------- BBQ pit $20 String Bags(FOR WATER BOMBS!) 4 packets $3.70 ShengSiong Prizes for games----------------Joanne prepare-------------------- Dessert (Jelly/Can Fruits?) ---------Sponsored by Chelsea-------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total: $100.95 Amount to pay per person: $4.588( We will be collecting $5, in case we got anything more to buy, such as ice etc.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- GILLIAN HERE! ;D ♥ 9:30:00 pm
the confirmed duty roster ![]() the confirmed duty roster for the BBQ. hope you're happy with your shifts. they are fair, cause we have 2 shifts each. please coorperate. chelsea(: ♥ 9:28:00 pm
Anyone dont mind sponsoring? pls get bck to gillian. ThankYou #01 Charmaine :) TWO.MORE.DAYS ♥ 12:17:00 pm
1. Charmaine 2. Chelsea 3. Sing Ping 4. Emily Eng 5. Emily Soh 6. Evelyn 7. Gillian (ME!) 8. Pei Shan 9. Joanne 10. Eileen Lim 11. Li Fern 12. Qian Wei 13. Valerie 14. Vivian 15. Pamela 16. Jia Wen 17. Lydia 18.Yin Hang 19. Mindy 20. Zheng Fan ( Will be going there late ) 21. Fang Shuo 22. Zhi Jie 23. Kevan 24. Xu Kang 25. Kenneth 26. Daryl 27. Wei Xiang 28. Zheng Cong 29. Zach PEOPLE MEETING AT RM AT 1PM SHARP: 1. Sing Ping 2. Emily Eng 3. Evelyn 4. Pei Shan 5. Qian Wei 6. Vivian 7. Pamela 8. Jia Wen 9. Lydia 10. Mindy 11. Zhi Jie 12. Kevan 13. Xu Kang 14. Kenneth 15. Daryl 16. Zheng Cong 17. Zach AND MOST IMPORTANTLY.... 18. VALERIE Valerie will be bringing all of u to the bus-stop :) i am gillian here! :D Tuesday, 16 June 2009 ♥ 11:52:00 am
confirmed details of class gathering BBQ june 09' Date: 19th June 2009 (this FRIDAY) Meeting Place: Rivervale Mall, 1pm SHARP. late people will not be entertained (outside Macs). Person responsible for bringing you guys to the bus stop is VALERIE. (the clique would not be meeting you all at rm, will be going to help carry stuff.) [TAKE NOTE: IF YOU ARE NOT MEETING US AT RM, PLEASE LEAVE A TAG OR INFORM GILLIAN. PLEASE.] [Valerie would be taking you guys to gillian's house downstairs there, then after we bring the food and stuff down we will take the bus from the bus stop near gillian's house.] Organising Committee: Gillian (Main) & THE CLIQUE! aka Charmaine Chelsea Emily.S Eileen Gillian Joanne Li Fern Valerie Yin Hang Time: 1pm : meeting time. BBQ: about 3pm-9pm, then pack up and go home together on bus at about 9+. you may leave early if you wish, but of course you all cannot leave at like 9pm leaving us to pack up ourselves, i hope all are not that inconsiderate, only those with smth on or cant stay that late can go early. please do your part. Venue: Pasir Ris Park, BBQ Pit 22 (Area 1, nearer to downtown east) [actually dont need bother about this unless you're going yourselves] Dress Code: BLACK SHIRT! Things to bring: 1) at least $5 to pay for the BBQ (exact amount to be confirmed by gillian after buying all the things) 2) A WHITE SHIRT (we will be playing water bomb and other wet games, so if you get wet, you can change into a WHITE shirt (so that we look like a class). if you have NO WHITE SHIRTS, bring any shirt (last resort, or at most dont change.) 3) Camera (optional) take note that when we take class photos, we cant possibly use all cameras and take right? so if you bring cameras, please just take small group photos. 4) YOUR OWN WATER BOTTLE. [TAKE NOTE: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT CAUSE WE MAY BE DEHYDRATED AND WE WILL NOT BE PROVIDING ALOT OF DRINKS SO BRING YOUR OWN WATERBOTTLE. BEST IF IT IS BIG. (LIKE 800ML OR MORE). 5) tidbits. one packet would do. not compulsory. if you get hungry before the BBQ starts, you can eat them. 6) Sponsers, please bring the things you willingly sponsered. TAKE NOTE: YOU ARE NO LONGER NEEDED TO BRING ICE. ONLY SELECTED PEOPLE (WE WILL INFORM) NEED TO BRING ICE. SO DONT BOTHER BRING ICE. THANK YOU. and lastly, because of increased amt of people going, the duty roster is NO LONGER APPLICABLE. i will make a new one when i know the confirmed list of people going. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE BY THIS THURSDAY. this is chelsea here. (: Friday, 5 June 2009 ♥ 10:59:00 am
GREAT NEWS!!!!! NOW, 32 PPL (including those not sure ones) WILL BE GOING FOR THE BBQ!!!! YAY!!!!! YIPPEE!!! WOHOO!!!! :))))))))))) here's the list(and it is sort of according to our index no.) : 1.Charmaine 2.Chelsea 3.SingPing 4.EmilyEng 5.EmilySoh 6.Evelyn 7.Gillian(ME) 8.PeiShan 9.HuiLing 10.Joanne 11.Eileen 12.LiFern 13.QianWei 14.Valerie 15.Vivian 16.Pamela 17.JiaWen 18.Lydia 19.YinHang 20.Mindy 21.ZhengFan 22.FangShuo 23.ZhiJie 24.Justin 25.Kevan 26.XuKang 27.Kenneth 28.Daryl 29.WeiXiang 30.Terence 31.ZhengCong 32.Zach YAY!!! PLS RMB TO WEAR UR BLACK SHIRT AND BRING UR WHITE SHIRT!!! AND MEET AT RM,MACS, ON 19 JUNE,FRIDAY, AT 1PM!!!! SEE YA THERE! :) ~GILLIAN!~ Thursday, 4 June 2009 ♥ 5:39:00 pm
CLASS GATHERING CHANGED! THE DATE FOR THE CLASS GATHERING IS CHANGED!!! IT'S CONFIRMED!!! ALR BOOKED!!! VERY, VERY, SUPER DUPER SORRY FOR THE INCONVIENCE CAUSED!!! SORRY!!!!!!!!!!! erm, for the time and venue, it will still remain the same... THE DETAILS Date: 19 JUNE 2009 Time: 1pm-approx.10pm Venue: Pasir Ris Park, BBQ Pit 22 ( Area 1, nearer to downtown east ) Meeting Venue: Rivervale Mall, macs ( U SHLD NOE WHERE!!! ) , at 1 pm... Things to bring: White Shirt ( to change after the dirty games!!! ), Ice:), things that u are sponsering, and wadeva u wan ( eg. camera... ) Dress Code: Black Shirt :) for ur info...we will be coming to my hse to carry ALL the food before going to the bus-stop tgt, as my dad wouldn't be able to help us bring the food there.. I, GILLIAN LIM XIU HUI, hereby promised to "grant" all of u about 5 mins of water-bombing, for all the inconvience caused. VERY SORRY!!!! ~GILLIAN!~ Wednesday, 3 June 2009 ♥ 7:35:00 pm
Duty Roster for BBQ-ing ![]() hellos! Chelsea here, being so efficient as i finished making the duty roster! PRESS IT TO ENLARGE IT. Please be punctual for your respective shifts, Shift ICs will ensure that you're there by 'taking attendance'. if you're not able to make it for your shift, tell me ASAP (by this week hopefully) and tell gillian when you will be coming, then i will make replacements. and oh, Shift ICs are mainly the organisers. hope you will be happy with your shifts, some of you have 2 shifts, then to be fair you can be excused from packing up, and you can leave early, but hopefully you will want to take the same bus as us. XD <3, Chelsea! P/S: if you are not taking the bus with us at 1pm, please inform gillian ASAP. ♥ 4:45:00 pm
I made this widget at #01 Charmaine Happy waiting :) |