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Monday, 23 November 2009 ♥ 10:15:00 pm
closing words... i hope all of you at least had some fun today, if not our hard work planning has all been wasted. maybe to you guys, it was a total failure, and you PROBABLY thought that we didnt put in effort in the planning stage, but just to clarify, we probably spent at least 24 hours in total in the planning. We personally made a trip down to Pasir Ris park to take photos to make the jigsaws. Be it the jigsaws, math equations, the station games, were all planned by us from scratch. So if you remember that you said something very hurtful today, something i remember clearly: "you can ask us pay money what. you people can go and get professional planners to plan our class gathering".i dont wish to name those people out. Please go and think about it, would it be more successful if you personally planned it? If you don't have the ability to, why are you doubting our abilities? If i seem like i'm scolding you or something, so sorry. it's just... it wasn't as fun as we imagined it to be. but i have to say, this is partly because of some of you refusing to be enthu and work with us. :( I'm not trying to get you people to thank us or something lah, just that i want you guys to know how much effort we put in and please do not pass hurtful remarks that easily. Despite so, i had quite some fun today, especially the stretch the bottle! it was hilarious. waterbombs were okay i guess... oh, we would like some feedback on the class gathering today. Please email me: or... sms me. thank you. cause we have to seriously consider if we want to organise one again... it was really tiring for us, and if you guys didnt have fun, i think there's no point organising one. it's like forcing you people to come like that. and oh, photos would be up... tomorrow? have to see first cause i'm going overseas tmr. or maybe after i come back. must anticipate hor. (: Chelsea ♥ 7:30:00 pm
The class gathering has just ended!! (: Hope you've enjoyed yourself REALLY MUCH!!! (: Unfortunately, Charmaine, one of the main organiser, couldn't come and join us in the fun )): Anyway, sorry for being a bit 情绪失控 today. SORRY. But i really think that some of you are too much.We spent so much time on this gathering, we started planning even before the holiday started, but is this what we deserve?! Some of you just kept on giving those negative comments, and didn't care about our feelings. Some of you even left halfway! ARGH!! Charmaine, who put in so much effort in this gathering, wanted so much to come but she had no choice, and this is the kind of attitude you gave us?! -.- Fortunately, we were still able to carry on with our games. :DDDDD Stretch to reach bottle was fun! :DDD For those who cooperated with us, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! (: And most importantly, I hope that you've enjoyed yourself really much! (: And the pictures should be up on facebook soon! (: Hope to see all of you soon! (: Bye! -Gillian- Sunday, 22 November 2009 ♥ 8:32:00 pm
so ummmm. i know abit late lah but please bring mosquito repellent if you dont want bites. :DD erm i know not alot of ppl will read this but, please help to spread the word, tyvm. (: this is from personal experience. (: and girls, please do tie your hair. :D `yinhang Tuesday, 3 November 2009 ♥ 9:06:00 am
And for people going late, you can take 89, alight when u saw block 515, cross opposite and take 403. Alight when u saw a playground. Can call any of the CHEER-U-UP, and we can TRY to guide u. thanks (: Charmaine Monday, 2 November 2009 ♥ 7:23:00 pm
HEY ALIENS!!! IT'S ME, IT'S GATHERING! (: 34 PPL GOING!! DO WE ROCK OR ROCK??? ;DDDDD Date: 23 Nov Venue: Pasir Ris Park Time: 10.30am to at least 3.30( can stay later, of coz..) meet at rm macs at 10.30am Things to bring: ~Extra clothes water bomb ~Money for lunch ~Water bottle travel light we'll be playing amazing race. lunch'll not be provided but we'll give u time for lunch. So far, these all the people going. 1) me ( Charmaine ) 2) Joanne 3) Chelsea 4) Gillian 5) Valerie 6) Yin Hang 7) Emily Soh 8) Eileen 9) Tasmin 10)Daryl 11)Wei Xiang(he's nt leaving at one) 12)Zheng Cong 13)Fang Shuo 14)Fiona 15)Ronnie 16)Lydia 17)Justin 18)Kevan 19)HuiLing 20)Emily Eng 21)Xu Kang 22)Zhi Jie 23)Jiang Ying 24)Mindy 25)Evelyn coming late 26)Li Fern 27)Kenneth 28)Zheng Fan 29)Jolynn coming late 30)PeiShan 31)Zach 32)Terence 33)Zhi Qi 34)Qian Wei sorry if u can't attend on that date coz that's th date where most ppl can. we'll inform u of th dress codes soon. erm.. i think that's all. CHARMAINE :D |